Friday, July 18, 2014


Its been awhile since my last post, but instead of heeing and hawing or trying to fit in what has long past I'm just gonna move onto the recent past. And that means Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. 'Ballsy' is the name of this post because that's what this film is; ballsy. I purposely did not read any reviews before I saw it this past weekend, and I haven't read any since. After the title sequence where they attempt to cram the first movie and epidemic apocalypse story into a few seconds, it opens on the apes in the woods. They are communicating with howls and sign language of some sort. I don't believe there's a spoken word for the first 15 minutes at least; I didn't time it. Expecting audiences to watch action AND read subtitles? Ballsy. American audiences already don't watch most foreign films because of subtitles, so to test fate with a big summer blockbuster definitely took some cajones. It works. The apes communicate simply, almost like children, but straight forward and emotional with the weight of adults (as most are). The expressions and body language are amazing. Their basic vocab almost inhibits what they are trying to convey; this seems to be on purpose as some apes get frustrated with it and denote to hand motions or physical acts to convey their meaning. Its powerful stuff. Watching them progress at a relatively fast pace, and yet some apes wanting to remain simple or primal. I keep saying apes, but they have all the primates in there. Gorillas, chimps, orangutan; its awesome. I'm not gonna go on much more, but this is a definite must see. I saw it at the drive-in, but I would recommend seeing it in a theater for a full effect. The story is fantastic and well fleshed out, the special effects are top notch, and Andy Serkis is amazing (he plays the main ape, Caesar). I give this one 7/7 Fox Tails. Maybe its because I was dumbed down from watching Transformers, maybe the good times at the drive-in celebrating my buddy's 30th; whatever, this movie is sweet and I want to see it again already.

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