As my good friend Tallahassee once said, 'Its time to nut up or shut up'. This concerns a couple things.
1) Haven't written a post in .... forever.
and 2) I've been telling (lying to) myself for some time now that I should trim down and take control of my body/health/fat ass.
They say that to achieve a goal you need to have a goal. And that you're then supposed to share that goal so that you stay accountable. Well I've been tip toeing around this idea, and I've laid some ground work. I started writing down the workouts I do each day, and how many alcoholic beverages I consume each day as well. So I've been collecting data, but I haven't actually set a goal or done anything about it. What can I say? I'm weak. I know I drink a lot, but golly gee I like that. Its fun (!). But that doesn't change the fact that my ass is growing disproportionately to my biceps. I don't live in a gym, so its goal setting time.
My office was the ultimate catalyst for this as they have issued a 'Biggest Loser' style challenge. So me and all my doughy coworkers can throw some money in a pool and see who comes out on top (or bottom depending on how you look at it). So someone other than me and my way too supportive wife (you're handsome honey) will be aware of this dealio. First weigh in was this Wednesday, and I tipped the digital scale at a hair under 2 bills; 199.5lbs. At 5'7", that puts my BMI at 31.2, which is technically obese. Not overweight mind you, but obese. I have to drop to 191 just to be overweight. Yup.
Like I said, I've been tracking myself for a bit, almost 3 months now, and I'm on the right track. Just the other day I was at the gym and a guy resembling an extra on Spartacus, with his entire midsection exposed from his unnecessarily large opening sleeveless shirt, asked me for a spot. I was like 'yeah, he sees I'm not a complete nimwhit'. It was a nice boost. Never mind that his only other choices were some small Indian kid in loafers, or the guy with the fanny pack that seems to be more impressed with the sound of crashing weights rather than how much he's actually lifting. Its SNAP fitness, okay? Not exactly where Schwarzenegger got his start.
Any who, lets circle back. Goal setting. I'm a stocky guy, and we all know that the BMI system doesn't take into account a lot of factors, but no matter how you cut it I ain't in great shape. My initial goal for now is to lose a pound a week. The challenge at my office lasts for 10 weeks, so that'll put me at 189.5 and about 5% weight loss. Is that enough to win? We have to check in at week five, so we'll re-evaluate then. Did I mention there's a cash prize to the winning individual and team? Almost 500 bones each. Yeah, that's quite the incentive. And also to be healthier, look good for Summer, look good for a mirror, cut grocery bills, get drunk on less, keep my smoking hot wife interested in me sexually, and to fit into those pants I've had in storage for too long. And fit into my bucket seat in my race car. Yeah, all those things, and a list a whole lot longer too.
So I wanna cut at least 10lbs. But how? I plan to work out at least 5 days a week, for at least 30 minutes each time. Also watch what I eat (portion control, some pizza, no ice cream for breakfast), and keep the drinking down. I'm still me, so I'm not gonna cut drinking out completely, but I've somewhat successfully been able to cut out pretty much all drinking during the weekdays these past few months. So that's a start. And I still like to drink to excess, so I've been limiting that to one weekend night, instead of 2 or 3. So that's neat too. Now I need to try and limit those big nights to only a 12 pack. Yeah, I'm a thirsty guy.
I actually got a personal trainer for a few months last year, so I've taken some advice form him. And otherwise I'm gonna stick to the basic 'Less input, more output' approach, ie eat what I need, and workout more. When I had that trainer he had me write up some goals. One of them was to put up some pictures (which I never did) of one of my wife's favorite bodies; Thor. Chris Hemsworth may play the part, but when you ask her who she likes she doesn't say 'Chris', she says 'mother freakin' Thor'.
So this is Thor.

And here's me.
Okay, so we got that out of the way. For now on I think I'm gonna pick my celebrity pics beforehand, and then try and replicate their pose and clothing so you guys can figure out who is who ;)
So she likes Thor, but I'm going for something more like this.
PS Deadpool was awesome. 7/7 Foxtails easy. Couldn't stop laughing.