So I watch movies every now and again, that's no secret. In my single, loner (ie alone), living in the middle of nowhere days I was able to put down a movie every night during the week, and sometimes a few more during the weekend. Even before my poor ass was able to get internet, and therefore Netflix, I was able to get my fix for free from the local library (still do too, libraries are awesome!). So yeah, I've watched a few movies in my day; some good, some bad, some funny, some sad. Now that I enjoy an existence with live people to talk to and a reasonable bed time I'm limited to usually one movie a week, or maybe 2 if its the right weekend. I'm basically starving! Don't get me wrong, having a social life and a smoking hot honey make it almost bearable (ha!), but the love for cinema has not faded. I'm even reading a book by an actor right now for christ sakes. (And its awesome! Ron Perlman's book; I'm almost done so you'll get a review soon). Any who, my youngest sister shares this love for the theater (real theater too, she's quite the thespian and singer) and we will sometimes have conversations that are seemingly only quotes from movies and/or sprinkled with some key show lines. It is quite literally like those xfinity commercials where it just sounds like garbled words stringed together, only interrupted by my boisterous laugh or her hyena whistling cackle (we've been told we have notable and infectious laughs #truth). These conversations are sometimes via text as well; it gets a little out of control. So even though I watch a few less movies than before, apparently I still watch more than the average social being (I'm still dubious). My sister texted me the other day that she was confused about something in Inside Man. Its a thriller crime drama with a twisty plot, but it doesn't leave many loose ends so my sister's statement had me first scoffing, and then intrigued. I know shes seen it before, probably many times like I have (you don't watch movies more than once? How do you live? Do you only ever have steak once and then move on? Whatev, you're lost). I was ready to defend Inside Man, possibly even have to reiterate a certain scene line by line and cut by cut. Then I got her follow up text and I basically died.
Shittay. Shittay indeed. At least I know my sister has her priorities straight. Whenever there's a murder mystery, crime drama, hostage situation, or comedy of error whodunit, the real question is 'Is there enough pizza?'. Really, is there any other question? Is there?
Last weekend the question was 'how high?' as my buddy's son Jack was putting his new dual stomp rocket launcher to good use.
I was told the rocket colors need to match the launch pad. Jack knows best. |
Not ever high enough is the answer from child and adult alike.
Then the question was 'what does one drink while playing HeroQuest?'.
Chaos Warriors ready for battle |
Just a few guys reliving 1985 |
Code Red and Monster were two easy answers, but who knew a great Manhattan also made the list? Me, that's who. Cuz I'm a goddamn gamer, AND I like to party.
The question for you is 'what's goin on with the Vehicross?'.
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Ready for some nip/tuck |
Questions, questions, questions. Meaning of life? Did Padme die of a broken heart? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Does anyone care as long as its made into pizza sauce? Is there enough pizza? Is there?! Well that one I can answer: Of course not. There's never enough pizza. When there's more than you can eat, then you eat some more. If there's still more then it becomes leftover pizza, which is second ONLY to original pizza. Is there ever enough pizza? No. No there's not. Now go get yourself some pizza; I have a feeling Luce or Lake Harriet will be hearing from me shortly. Take 'er easy.